Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Borders Begone!

  This is a small update, I haven't  done too much since my last update, but I have decided due to another change I made, that the borders on the sides will be replaced by a hud in the upper left corner.
  I have made this change for a couple reasons, the main one being that the reason I had for having borders instead of a hud in the first place, is no longer relevant. I had went with a stationary camera/view, and it moved only when you moved out of view(Kinda like The Original Legend of Zelda on the NES) now I have the camera follow you, keeping you in the center the whole time(kinda like Legasista, or just about every side scrolling game in existence).

PS: I have made two short looping songs for the game so far, whether they will be in the final release...I don't know.

No pics this time Sorry.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Progress Report

  Hello, I have been working on my game a lot recently, mostly menu's and the things that pertain to them.
I have a few pictures for you today, and I would like to explain a couple.

Here you see two identical sprites for the main character, don't worry, that is temporary.

in this picture you can see the dialogue box, don't worry I know it's bland, it is temporary as well.

  Now here is what I have been spending most of my time on the pause menu(and the title screen, but I'll show a pic of that next update because I want to finish something on it before showing it)
  On the left side of the screen you have your Physical attributes such as HP, Attack, Defense, and some other stuff(more to come), and on the right of the screen you have your magical attributes such as MP, Magic attack, magic Defense, and other stuff(also more to come).
  In the the center is the actual "Pause" screen where it also displays your stats but has where you equip everything and descriptions of your equipment, Items, Armor. The pause menu's are not 100% finished(about 20%) once I finish all the coding and have it in perfect working order i'll work on touching up the aesthetic aspect of the menu( aligning the text better, maybe round the edges a little, or make a better looking border).
  If you're wondering what "Hidden" is in the menu, don't, because I just put that there at the time because I did not know what was gonna go there, right now if you click on it it just takes you to the Key Configuration screen(it'll probably be "Options" later so just pretend that "Hidden" says "Options").

   As you can see, I have only made two Gun modifications that you can equip so far...More to come obviously.
   Here is my first real enemy that I made, one pixel at a time. If you are wondering what they are, well you'll just have to wait for the story, yes, I already have a reason for why crystals are attacking you, I came up with the story before I even started working on anything else.

  I'm not sure if they are too easy or too hard...If you notice my level skyrocket, that is because I currently have a way to level up a lot with a touch of a button...You will not have that ability, it is only for me and my Tester(s).

PS: The "Walls" you see in all my screen caps are also temporary.
And just so you guys know, There is NO max level in my game, yes you heard right(well, read right), there is no max level.

Things that are finished:
2:One enemy
3:About 20% of the pause menu
4: About 25% of the Title menu(no pics yet)
5: Side borders to always show your stats
6: 20%(?) of the Gun Modifications complete
7:80% of the Key Configuration screen

Things to do:
1: Lots

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Unplanned update

Someone recently told me that I should post new/updated screencaps of my game because they may make people think my game is crappy and that those pics are of a more finished product than they are.
So here are newer screencaps of my still untitled game :

 What do you think of the main characters finished sprites?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Progress update 8/14/2012

   Hello, I thought I would update you guys on the games progress. I said I was going to work on the main characters sprites and I have been, but it got off to a rocky start. I had to either scrap one here or one would get screwed up there, but I got going good now, I have about 50% of the main characters sprite done.
Originally I was going to have the main character be 36 by 48(pixels) but after I started that way I realized that that size sprite would not work for the game I want, so I had to start all over with making a 32x32 sprite.

  You might be wondering why I am not posting any pictures this update, but because absolutely everything in my last batch of screenshots has been scrapped or changed completely, I decided to post pictures when I have something more concrete to post.

  So here's what I have so far:

Walking and strafing (from now on will be referred to only as moving)
about 50% of the main character sprites completed (animated)


Here's what I will be working on next, in order(probably):

Finishing Main Character sprites (shooting sprites and magic attacking sprites, and probably getting hit sprite)
Creating an enemy character, so I can start the main character's attacks.
Creating the Main Characters Attacks
Creating all the menus(Status, Equip, Item, Title menu: New game, Load Game, Options(maybe)..

Saturday, August 4, 2012

My New Game

I have started development of my newest game, progress is a little slow because I have no Idea how to make my own sprites(good ones...yet).
Here is what I have coded into the game so far:

Basic movement;
stopping at walls;

I can't really continue coding the game until I make a good sprite for the Player Character...well I could but, I don't want to... as in I will finish or at the very least make a usable sprite that is animated when walking in all directions and has different animations for strafing. Once that is completed I can really get cooking and the game will fly along(hopefully).

here are some screenshots...I am fully aware that the game is totally unappealing right now.

Monday, July 30, 2012

A game from my Past.

  I thought I should give you guys something for visiting my blog, so here is a game from my past that I stopped working on over 4 years ago,
It was my very first attempt at making a game 100% of my own...then I let my brother play and he was like "That would never fly, those would never get off the ground blah blah blah"... so I scrapped it. anyway you guys can play that and if enough people ask for it I might make a reboot of it in a few years maybe...maybe.


Here's some screenshots:

And the controls are "F"  Fires and the arrow keys move "up,down,left,right"

Hello World

This is my first blog, and I started it because I want to make video games and share them with the world.
I have made games in the past but I used sprites I got from the internet and music too, and because of that only me and my brother get to play my games. So in this blog I will talk about and maybe show my progress as I make games from scratch.

Thanks for visiting my blog today, I will update soon.